Ariel Lin yesterday celebrated her birthday on CTV’s “Variety Big Brother”. Joe Cheng who plays her husband on upcoming drama “Love or Bread” presented to her a $20,900 white iphone cellphone, and also a birthday card, calling her “wife”. However, Joe who often makes mistakes while writing, felt a lot of pressure before giving her the card, saying: “I forgot to check if there were any mistakes.”
Everyone immediately opened his card, and checked the content, but not a single word was wrong. He said that he had found out a while ago that Ariel wanted to buy this phone, and he even requested to her assistant, telling her not to take her shopping these days. He then secretly went to order it. On the show, a birthday cake was brought out and Joe and Zhang Fei both kissed her on the cheek. Ariel was very happy, and wished that she will find her Mr Right soon.
Afterwards, the 2 then went on TTV’s “Diamond Club” and the show organised a red carpet for Ariel and Li Jing to pre-walk the walk of fame. When asked what they will wear on the day of the Golden Bell Awards, Li Jing said that she will wear a Julia custom-made outfit, and Ariel revealed she will wear a Huang Shu Chi designed dress; the 2 have both chosen domestic brands.